50slove Review October 2024

Discover genuine love in your golden years with 50slove. Read our review now!
10,000 Members
Good For:
3 / 5
3 / 5
1 / 5
Success Rate:
70 / 10
78 / 10
72 / 10
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Age Distribution:

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50slove in 10 seconds

  • It is a dating site ideally for singles who are over fifty years old
  • It uses a personality-based matchmaking approach
  • There are more males than females in the site - More information here
  • Signing up is free
  • You need to take a lengthy personality test
  • Email confirmation is needed to verify your account
  • Only those you are matched with and premium members can view your photos
  • Searching for other members is not possible
  • You can read and send first messages within the first 24 hours for free
  • Paid members can leave profile comments
  • The site uses animators or paid profiles
  • There is no mobile application
  • You can use 50slove for free Test now for free
  • Pricing starts at $29.90 / Month - More Information
Datingscout.com.au Author Chris Pleines
Chris Pleines
Founder of Datingscout and Author of the book "Online Dating for Dummies"
50slove is open not only to those who are over fifty but also to younger ones who are at least of legal age and who are interested in having a more mature partner. However, you need to avail of a subscription to make the most out of the site's features.

Who is 50slove for and not for?

  • Singles who are fifty years old and above and are looking for serious relationships
  • Those who want to connect with like-minded people for dating or friendship
  • Widowed or divorced individuals who want to find love again
  • Older singles who are only looking for casual dating or hookups
  • People who are looking for an entirely free site since most of the features require subscription
  • Those who find it more convenient to use an app instead of a mobile site
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50slove Pros & Cons

  • It has a user-friendly interface
  • An in-depth matchmaking process is used to find potential matches
  • Privacy is guaranteed since only paid members and those you are matched with can view your photos
  • You can't connect with anyone without a subscription except for the first 24 hours
  • The subscription cancellation of the site is quite complicated
  • It has no mobile application

How does 50slove work?

50slove's major functionality
  • Matches' profiles contain compatibility values
  • You'll get more matches once you avail of a subscription

50slove psychologically matches members based on the results of the personality test. Note that this personality test is a lengthy one—a way for the site to get accurate matches. So if you want to connect with like-minded individuals, then this site is perfect for you. 

Right after registering, you'll then be given your top 10 potential matches.

Tip: Make sure you answer the personality test truthfully to get the best matches.

Each profile contains values, which show your level of compatibility. The higher the value, the better you fit together.

And if you avail of a subscription, you get up to 20 additional matches every day and access to your personality analysis. This means that you'll get to know not only others but also yourself.

How much does 50slove cost?

Can you try 50slove for free?

Duration / Credits / CoinsCostsTotal
Premium Lite
3 Months59.90 AUD / Month179.70 AUD
Premium Classic
6 Months39.90 AUD / Month239.40 AUD
Premium Comfort
12 Months29.90 AUD / Month358.80 AUD
50sLove AU's subscription rates
Free Features
  • Sign up
  • Create profile
  • Change profile's background image
  • Upload photos
  • Visit potential matches' profiles
  • Send and receive first messages within the first 24 hours
  • Test now for free
Premium Features
  • Get detailed analysis of your personality
  • Send unlimited messages
  • Read unlimited messages
  • Get premium profile-background designs
  • View all members' photos
  • See all profile visitors
  • Get up to 20 additional matches per day

Subscriptions are automatically renewed. However, please note that the notice period for opting out of automatic renewal depends on your subscription package.

  • 3-month subscription: 4 weeks before the subscription expires
  • 6-month subscription: 6 weeks before the subscription expires
  • 12-month subscription: 8 weeks before the subscription expires


How can I delete my 50slove account and cancel my subscription?

Please find more information here

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Who is signed up on 50slove?

10,000 from Australia
Members activity
2,500 active weekly
Gender Proportion
38 %
62 %
  • In order to register you need to fill out a personality test
  • Members are mostly from the UK
  • Anyone aged 18 and above can become a member
  • Males dominate the site
  • Most members are looking for serious relationships

Most of the site's members came from the United Kingdom. Members are mostly looking for some serious commitments.

Although this site is perfect for those who are aged fifty and up, anyone who is of legal age can join the site. This is also based on the fact that there are those who are more interested in dating mature people.

There's also a 28% difference in its gender ratio, with the male ones dominating.


50slove Age Range and Age Distribution

  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55+

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50slove in Detail

  • Reading time 16 minutes
  • Lots of insider information for more success

How to Sign Up for 50slove

50sLove's registration process
  • You must be at least 40 years old to sign up
  • You can sign up using your username and password
  • You must sign up to browse 50slove

To sign up, visit the 50slove website. To complete the registration, provide all required information.

Required Information on Signup
  • Name
  • Date Of Birth
  • Location
  • Your Relationship Status
  • Type of relationship you are looking for
  • Ideal Partner's Location
  • Your Gender
  • Your Ethnicity
  • Your Occupation
  • Your Religion
  • Your Physical Traits
  • Personality Test
  • Questionnaire about you
  • Questionnaire about your ideal partner
Optional Information on Signup
  • Greeting/Profile Bio
  • Profile Picture

50slove offers the following methods to verify your account:

  • Verification email (required)
  • Uploading a selfie to be manually verified (optional)

50sLove asks for an email address upon signup so you can be fully registered with them. They also ask new members for a profile photo to get more attention from other members.

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Making Contact on 50slove

50sLove's messaging feature
  • You'll be given new matches every day
  • You can't search for members
  • Sending and receiving unlimited messages are only available for premium members
  • There is a chatroom
  • You can only send and receive first messages for free within the first 24 hours

Once you're done customising your profile, you could then start browsing your matches' profiles. See how well you fit together based on the info displayed. For non-premium members, note that you can't see members' photos unless you are matched. (Someone becomes your match only when both of you sent a smiley to each other.) But if you avail of a subscription, you can see all your potential maches' photos.

If you find someone interesting, you may send a smiley or add him or her to your 'Favourites'. However, you can only enjoy sending and receiving first messages for free within the first 24 hours. To fully make use of the site's messaging feature, you need to become a premium member first. Premium members get to send and receive unlimited messages.

Note that you won't have a chance to search for members. But you'll be given new matches each day. You may check your email for updates. A summary of those who have visited your profile and those who sent you messages will also be sent to your email. But you may opt not to receive email notifications by changing your notification preferences in your 'My Account' settings.

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50slove Profile Quality

50sLove member's profile view
  • You can't edit your height info
  • You can change your profile's background image
  • There are animators or paid profiles present in the site
  • The profiles are not very detailed
  • The profile information can be changed later
  • Profile pictures are not visible to anyone for free

Profiles have 2 sections: 'Personal Description' and 'Questions and Answers'. The 'Personal Description' section shows your height, ethnicity, religion, smoking habit, and educational attainment. You have the option to instantly edit those except your height, in which you still need to contact Customer Care. The 'Questions and Answers' section displays your answers to the questions given when you created your profile. If you skipped such or answered only a few, don't worry because you may edit it anytime. 

Tip: Consider answering as many questions as you can to let your potential matches get to know you well. 

You can also see the following tabs on your profile:

  • Gallery

This displays your uploaded photos. Note that only those you are matched with and those who are premium members can view those.

  • Personality

You may read your personality analysis here. This is the result of the in-depth personality test you took. You can only access this once you avail of a subscription.

  • Interests

This showcases your hobbies, favourite music genres, and favourite sports.

One cool feature is that you can change your profile's background. There are 4 designs that can be used for free. Other designs can only be used by premium members.

Though there are lots of sections that need to be filled out, the detailedness of a profile still depends on the user since he or she has the option to skip most of those sections. Also, there are several fake profiles on the site because there are no strict security measures. There are also animators or paid profiles present, which is clearly stated in its Terms and Conditions. Those animators usually try to communicate to you every time the number of active members is low. It's quite challenging to distinguish paid profiles from real accounts. By this, we give its profile quality a rating of 3 out of 5.

50slove App

50sLove's mobile site version
  • It does not have a mobile app
  • You can access the site through your mobile browser
  • Dektop version and mobile version are similar
  • Mobile version is more compact
  • You can still use all the features using your mobile device

It does not feature a mobile application. But a mobile site is available, which means you can access the site through your mobile browser.

There isn't any difference when using the site through your mobile device and through your desktop. The design and features are exactly the same. It still has the same user-friendly interface.

The only difference is that the mobile version is made more compact to accommodate all the site's features.

Special Features

The best way to make the most out of the site is to use all its special features. You surely would not want to miss all these out, especially if you're a premium member.


You can change your profile's background to your liking. Just choose from the set of designs provided. Four of those can be used for free.

Profile Comments

Premium members can be able to leave comments to their potential matches' and matches' profiles.

Detailed Personality Analysis

This shows a thorough explanation of your personality, which is based on your answers to the personality test. However, this can only be accessed by premium members. 

How can I delete my 50slove account and cancel my subscription?

How can you cancel your Subscription?

  • You can cancel by sending an email
  • You can cancel via fax

Will your subscription automatically renew?

  • Yes, your 50slove subscription will automatically renew. The usual notice period is 4 weeks but be careful, the notice period varies depending on the subscription package purchased.
  • Premium Lite 3 Months (notice period 4 weeks)
  • Premium Classic 6 Months (notice period 6 weeks)
  • Premium Comfort 12 Months (notice period 8 weeks)

Is there a money back guarantee and do you get refunded the full amount?

  • Usually you will not get back the full amount, it will be reduced by the time or credits you used for 50slove.

Be aware of these Terms and Conditions

  • The site has animators or paid profiles who communicate with you, especially when the number of active members is low
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50slove FAQ


How does its matching algorithm work?

50sLove's matching algorithm works based on the results of every member's personality test. Those who have the same results match because the site believes that those who share the same personality are more compatible.

How do I show my interest to a potential match?

You can either send him or her a smiley, add him or her to your 'Favourites', or send him or her a message.

How can I search for members?

Unfortunately, the site doesn't allow users to search for members since it uses an intelligent matchmaking approach. It uses users' results of the personality test to match up compatible potential partners. 

How do I change my match preferences?

Just click on 'Matches' on the top right of the home screen. Then select 'Preferences' on the left-hand menu. You'll then be directed to a list of all the match options. When you are done editing a section, click 'Save'. When you reload 'Matches', your new settings will then be applied.

Why are photos blurry?

In order to see a user's photos, you must be a premium member. To upgrade, click the 'Become a Premium Member' banner at the top of the screen.

How can I access the personality analysis on my profile?

In order to update the 'Personality' section of your profile, you will need to upgrade to a premium account. To upgrade, all you need to do is click the 'Become a Premium Member' banner at the top of the 50slove home screen and follow the instructions on setting up a payment.

How can I change any information on my profile?

Just go to your profile and click the green edit icon located in the upper-left corner of the section you want to change. Once done editing, don't forget to hit 'Save'.

Can I skip the personality test?

No, because the site will use the results of your personality test to give you the best potential matches. 

Can users below 50 years old also join?

Yes. The site is open for those who are 18 years old and above. Most younger users of the site prefer dating those who are older than them. 

I already uploaded a photo. Why can't I still see it on my profile?

You can't see your photo yet on your profile unless it has been approved. All uploaded photos in 50sLove are under review.

Can I browse 50slove without an account?

No, you cannot browse profiles on 50slove without signing up.

What is needed to open a 50slove account?

To open a 50slove account, download the 50slove App on your iOS or Android device or visit the 50slove website. To complete the registration, provide all required information:
  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Location
  • User's Relationship Status
  • Type of relationship wanted
  • Partner's Location
  • User's Gender
  • User's ethnicity
  • User's Occupation
  • User's Religion
  • User's Physical Appearance
  • Personal Questionnaire required on signup
  • Ideal Partner Questionnaire
  • Personality Test


Will my subscription automatically renew?

Yes, your 50sLove subscription will automatically renew. The notice period for opting out of automatic renewal depends on your subscription package.

  • 1-month subscription: 2 weeks before the subscription expires
  • 3-month subscription: 4 weeks before the subscription expires
  • 6-month subscription: 6 weeks before the subscription expires
  • 12-month subscription: 8 weeks before the subscription expires

Is it worth it to upgrade my account to premium?

Yes. Since sending and receiving unlimited messages are only available for premium members, it is impossible to successfully look for a partner in 50sLove without a paid subscription. 

Is it safe to transact payments in this site?

Yes. Your account details are secured with 256-bit SSL encryption to protect your privacy.

Can I send messages for free?

You can only send and receive first messages for free within the first 24 hours after signing up. You need to avail of a subscription to be able to send and receive unlimited messages.

Can I visit other members' profiles for free?

Yes, you can visit a member's profile. However, you can only see his or her photos once you become a match or if you're a premium member.

Can I change my profile's background for free?

Yes. There are 4 background designs that you can use for free. The rest of the designs are only available for premium members.

Can you try 50slove for free?

How much does 50slove cost?

50slove typically costs between 179.7 AUD and 358.8 AUD. Compared to other dating services, 50slove's membership costs is average. You can find more information here

How much does it cost to sign up on 50slove?

You can sign up for 50slove for free, but to use its premium features you must upgrade. You can find more information here


Does 50slove sell your data?

No, 50slove does not sell your data.

Was 50slove hacked in the past?

No, 50slove was never hacked.

How accurately does 50slove track your location?

50slove does not track your location.

Do your 50slove profile pictures or profile information appear in Google Search Results?

No, your 50slove photos and personal information will not appear in Google Search Results.

Who can view your pictures on 50slove?

Only premium members of 50slove can view profile pictures.

Is your phone number required for signing up at 50slove?

No, you don't need a phone number to sign up on 50slove.

Can you erase your personal data on 50slove?

Yes, 50slove provides an option for users to erase their data.

How can I delete my 50slove account and cancel my subscription?


What is the average age of users on 50slove?

The average age of 50slove users is between 35-42 years. You can find more information here

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Final Results table

Signing Up: 4.0 / 5
Making Contact: 3.0 / 5
Profile Quality: 3.0 / 5
App: 4.0 / 5

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