LatinLove Review October 2024

LatinLove connects Latin singles for friendships or lasting relationships. Find your ideal match this fall!
7,000 Members
Good For:
4 / 5
2 / 5
2 / 5
Success Rate:
30 / 10
38 / 10
33 / 10
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Age Distribution:

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LatinLove in 10 seconds

  • An online dating site for singles searching for love and romantic relationships
  • Suitable for singles of Latin descent seeking lasting connections with like-minded individuals - Learn more about the members here
  • Members disclose what they are looking for in the site. Check what's in a LatinLove profile
  • Translation feature can take a while to load
  • Contacting features are free but limited – a premium membership will give you unlimited access to them - Learn more here
  • Registration is quick and easy
  • You can use LatinLove for free Test now for free
  • Pricing starts at $14.04 / Month - More Information Author Chris Pleines
Chris Pleines
Founder of Datingscout and Author of the book "Online Dating for Dummies"
Many non-South American people are delighted to join LatinLove because it has a lot of features to offer on the table. Despite having premium features, it gives free users a chance to use the premium features through its free messaging slots. Give LatinLove a try.

Who is LatinLove for and not for?

  • Latin singles looking for serious relationships
  • Singles seeking flirtatious encounters with like-minded individuals
  • Foreigners looking for Latino or Latina dates
  • Individuals searching for erotic adventures and casual encounters
  • Singles who are not open to casual flirting online
  • People who do not want interracial dating
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LatinLove Pros & Cons

  • Open to all gender and sexual orientations
  • Customer support is responsive and reliable
  • Members disclose their relationship status and what they are looking for in the site
  • Translation function loads slow and has minor glitches
  • There are scammer profiles posing to be genuine members
  • Profile verification is not strict
  • Has outdated website and dashboard design

How does LatinLove work?

How it Works
  • Translation feature is available but can take a while to load
  • Upload photos on a secret album
  • Messaging is a premium feature
  • Read success stories of former members

If you wish to find your Latin match, LatinLove is a dating platform that allows you to browse, search, chat, and meet people of Latin descent. You need a premium package to be able to make contacts and send messages. You can use the site's translation services for free.

You also have a list of the people you contacted, those who made contact with you, and your favourites and admirers. These can be helpful if you want to find your perfect match.

How much does LatinLove cost?

Can you try LatinLove for free?

Is LatinLove expensive or cheap?

In comparison to other providers LatinLove is average.
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Duration / Credits / CoinsCostsTotal
Gold Membership
1 Month
Automatic Renewal
14.04 AUD / Month14.04 AUD
3 Months
1 Month Free
36.40 USD / Month109.19 USD
6 Months
3 Months Free
27.30 USD / Month163.79 USD
12 Months
7 Months Free
18.20 USD / Month218.39 USD
Free Features
  • Browse profiles
  • Read and write on the Success Stories page
  • View public albums
  • Test now for free
Premium Features
  • View secret albums
  • Send unlimited chat and messages
  • See personal contact number of members

Loyalty discount

This discount applies when buying multiple Gold Memberships with a maximum delay of seven days of the expiration of the previous Gold membership. The loyalty discount can only be applied to non-auto-renew memberships.

  • 2nd buy: 5% discount
  • 3rd buy: 10% discount
  • 4th buy: 15% discount
  • 11th buy: 50% discount

How can I delete my LatinLove account and cancel my subscription?

Please find more information here

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Who is signed up on LatinLove?

7,000 from Australia
Members activity
3,000 active weekly
Gender Proportion
46 %
54 %
  • In order to register you need to fill out a personality test
  • Members are looking for love and romance
  • Latinos dominate the site membership
  • The majority of members come from the USA
  • Members are active and enthusiastic
  • The average age is 33 to 40 years old

Members of LatinLove are generally searching for love and romance. The site is dominated by male members who are mostly coming from the United States. LatinLove members are mostly in their early 30s and 40s. 

LatinLove members are hopeful that they will soon find their perfect matches and that the rest of their lives will be filled with love with like-minded individuals on the site.


LatinLove Age Range and Age Distribution

  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55+

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LatinLove in Detail

  • Reading time 16 minutes
  • Lots of insider information for more success

How to Sign Up for LatinLove

  • You must be at least 18 years old to sign up
  • You can sign up using your username and password
  • You can view profiles on LatinLove without signing up

To sign up, visit the LatinLove website or download the LatinLove app. The app is available only on Android. To complete the registration, provide all required information.

Required Information on Signup
  • Name
  • Date Of Birth
  • Location
  • Ideal Partner's Gender
  • Your Gender

LatinLove offers the following methods to verify your account:

  • Verification email (required)
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Making Contact on LatinLove

latinlove messages
  • Lots of communication features available
  • Translation features are free
  • There is a chat function
  • Video call and send stickers
  • There is a chatroom
  • Sending messages is free as long as there's still a free message slot left on the profile

LatinLove has a lot of communication features. You can contact other members mainly using two ways:

  • Traditional messaging - lets you send longer texts
  • Chat - lets you send multimedia and even start a video call

Messaging Features

  • Personal Message - where you can send longer messages
  • Chat - instant messages
  • Translate - a button that lets you translate messages into your language
  • Video - call a member with a video
  • Stickers - a fun way to send animated emojis

If you want to start a chat, you will be brought to the page that lists the online members.

Translation Services

LatinLove offers its translation services for free. They promote this service since most of its members are multilingual. It makes communication so much easier.

Both messaging services allow you to use the translation feature for free. You can also use the translation button to translate the text inside the profiles.

Not everyone is fluent in English, but this free feature easily removes the language barrier.

Members are also active in sending messages. Most women are eager to make friends and would send messages to you first. Expect to have a lot of conversations with people.

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LatinLove Profile Quality

profile quality
  • Profiles have outdated designs
  • Profiles can be verified via email
  • Shows last online and registration date
  • Upload unlimited photos
  • There are fake profiles
  • The profiles are quite detailed
  • Profile pictures are visible to everyone for free

LatinLove profiles are juicy with information. Members can add as many photos as they want. 

There is a personal box you can fill out to describe yourself in your own words. You can also use this as an opportunity to show your wits and show off to your potential partner. However, putting any personal detail is not allowed. The site administrators check the things written on this box to ensure that everybody follows the rules.

Marital Status

LatinLove will require you to detail your current marital status. You can choose between the following:

  • Single - if you are single
  • Divorced - if you are a divorcee
  • Married - if you are currently and is out to play
  • Still married - if you are single but still married
  • Widow/Widower - if you are a widow
  • Separated - if you are separated
  • Open relation - if you are in an open relationship

LatinLove App

latinlove app
  • LatinLove app is only available for Android users
  • LatinLove app for iOS is a work in progress
  • iOS users can access the mobile version on their devices
  • Features and functions are similar on the app and site
  • Android users can download the app for free

The LatinLove app is currently only available for Android users. You can also download it through the site. A detailed instruction on how to install the app is also available.

The app works just like the website, but its functions are more compact. Even the translation service is available on the app.

Special Features

LatinLove has a lot of features and services to get your dating game on. Take a look at these features:

Success Stories

Read about testimonies of members and past members who claim they have found love on LatinLove. You can post your own story here if you want.

Detailed Search

There is a regular search function, then there is a detailed search that gives you more options. You can even search for people using User IDs.


This is your personal list containing people who have made contact with you. This is also the place where your favorites and admirers are recorded.


This contains all the images on the site uploaded by members. However, you won't find the images on the secret album here.


Send instant messages to online members. You can select who to chat on the online list even if you are not matched.

Translation feature

Use the site's translation services for free to break any language barriers you may have.

Secret album

Aside from unlimited photo uploads, you can create secret albums. Premium members get access to secret albums.

Video Call

Communicate with other members via the site's video call functions.


Send fun stickers to members you are interested in.

Partner Suggestions

Partner Suggestions are newsletters the system automatically sends out based on your specific preferences in "My Partner."

How can I delete my LatinLove account and cancel my subscription?

Uninstalling the app will not cancel your subscription.

How can you cancel your Subscription?

  • You can cancel via profile settings
  • You can cancel by sending an email

Will your subscription automatically renew?

  • Yes, your LatinLove subscription will automatically renew. The usual notice period is 1 Day but be careful, the notice period varies depending on the subscription package purchased.
  • Gold Membership 1 Month (notice period 1 Day)
  • Gold Membership 3 Months (non-recurring)
  • Gold Membership 6 Months (non-recurring)
  • Gold Membership 12 Months (non-recurring)

Is there a money back guarantee and do you get refunded the full amount?

  • Usually you will not get back the full amount, it will be reduced by the time or credits you used for LatinLove.
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LatinLove FAQ


What is the admirer's list on LatinLove?

The admirers' list shows all members who are interested in you. The main purpose of this list is that the members you find there are interested in you. but they are not in your contact list yet.

Can I change my username in LatinLove?

Changing the username is not possible. The user name can only be seen by the member itself, so there is no point in changing it.

What will show on my credit card statement if I get LatinLove membership? 

It depends on which payment service you used:

  • Worldpay:
  • Allied Wallet: AW*SITENAMR442033188334 (for example AW*ladyboykisses1111111)

What is the average age of users on LatinLove?

The average age of LatinLove users is between 33-40 years. You can find more information here


What is the difference between deleting or deactivating an admirer on LatinLove?

When you delete an admirer, then there is no possibility to reactivate it. When you deactivate an admirer, its profile will be moved from "admirer" to "deactivate admirer." You can every time activate it again.

Why can't I see the "Add to Favourites" button in the member's profile on LatinLove?

The reason is that the member you desire to add to your "My Favorites" list is already in your contact list.

What are the "partner suggestions" I receive?

Partner Suggestions are newsletters that the system automatically releases according to the settings you added to your "My Partner."

How can I stop receiving partner suggestions on LatinLove?

It is not yet possible to opt-out of this service. This feature is important to help you to get your match as soon as possible.

How often will I receive partner suggestions on LatinLove?

The frequency will depend on the amount of potential partner you will have available on the site. But the average of times that you will receive partner propositions to your email can be of one to three times per week.

How can I accept chat invitation on LatinLove?

On the top row of the site, you will see all members that have contact with you. When someone wants to chat with you you will get an alert on the site first. The member will that be marked with a red button "XXX wants to chat." You have to click on that button to start chatting with that member. Then you have to click on the top of the window on the button that says "Start chat."

What are the photo guideline?

LatinLove does not accept nude photographs or porn. It does not accept images with insulting content. If you try to publish porn, you will be banned permanently banned from the site without further notice.

Can I browse LatinLove without an account?

Yes, you can browse profiles on LatinLove without signing up.

What is needed to open a LatinLove account?

To open a LatinLove account, download the LatinLove App on your Android device or visit the LatinLove website. To complete the registration, provide all required information:
  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Location
  • Partner's Gender
  • User's Gender


How to ask for a refund on LatinLove?

In the case that you made a purchase and want to refund it, this is possible until you haven't made any contacts. The rule is not valid in the case of a membership subscription.

How can I terminate my membership subscription on LatinLove?

You can cancel your regular payments anytime up to 3 days before the date of a scheduled payment on your Account Settings. A month after cancelling, you can still chat and exchange emails with the members you have contacted.

Can you try LatinLove for free?

How much does LatinLove cost?

LatinLove typically costs between 14.04 AUD and 218.39 USD. Compared to other dating services, LatinLove's membership costs is average. You can find more information here

How much does it cost to sign up on LatinLove?

You can sign up for LatinLove for free, but to use its premium features you must upgrade. You can find more information here


How to recognize if a scammer has contacted me on LatinLove?

You can be sure that all scammers ask for money, but all members that ask for money are scammers. So, you should be clever to know how to differentiate one from the other.

How to report a member that you think is a scammer on LatinLove?

The best way to report a potential scammer (fraud) is by using the "Complain" button that you find in the detailed profile of the member you want to report. 

How long will my messages remain in my mailbox on LatinLove?

Your messages will remain for one year in your mailbox.

Does LatinLove sell your data?

No, LatinLove does not sell your data.

Was LatinLove hacked in the past?

No, LatinLove was never hacked.

How accurately does LatinLove track your location?

LatinLove tracks your approximate location.

Do your LatinLove profile pictures or profile information appear in Google Search Results?

No, your LatinLove photos and personal information will not appear in Google Search Results.

Who can view your pictures on LatinLove?

All LatinLove users can view your pictures.

Is your phone number required for signing up at LatinLove?

No, you don't need a phone number to sign up on LatinLove.

Can you erase your personal data on LatinLove?

Yes, LatinLove provides an option for users to erase their data.

How can I delete my LatinLove account and cancel my subscription?

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  • We have been testing and publishing online dating reviews for over 15 years
  • We have carefully reviewed over 3,064 dating services
  • Our dating site reviews and results are objective and independent in contrast to many other comparison sites
  • We update our reviews every month based on new site/app offerings and feedback from our readers
  • We are the Author of the Book "Online Dating for Dummies" - read more on our About Us page 
  • Our Dating Experts are constantly cited by press and TV outlets, find out more here

Final Results table

Signing Up: 4.0 / 5
Making Contact: 4.0 / 5
Profile Quality: 4.0 / 5
App: 4.0 / 5

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